Discourse genres and ELT


Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Página mantida pelo projeto de extensão Dinamizando o ensino da língua inglesa

Coordenação: Prof. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho / Profa. Claudia Pungartnik


Discourse Genres and ELT by Isaias Carvalho



(LTA578 - Gêneros Discursivos no Ensino de Inglês)

These tasks and resources are for free use by both professors and students of Englsh.

This page is part of the production of the UESC extension project Dinamizando/Inglês. Welcome!

English Teaching Principles
For English professors, teachers, instructors, tutors...

Prof. Isaias Carvalho A few teaching principles Resources for teachers and students of English


Assignments for UESC English language students

Task 1 Read the Course Description, the Course Plan (on the right column), Assessment, and the Bibliography of Discourse Genres and ELT - UESC.

Task 2 Brief Report of the Day (Individually) At the beginning of each class, a student [or two] will be assigned to present a 5-minute account of an aspect, activity, esperience, research finding etc. related to Discourse Genres in English Language Teaching. [In English] It is always best to send slides/materials to your professor's e-mail prior to the class.

Task 3 Reading. General purpose: notetaking, highlighting, vocobulary checking, sharing. Specific question: What is Swales's definition of genre?

SWALES, John M. Worlds of genre - metaphors of genre. In: BAZERMAN, Charles; BONINI, Adair; FIGUEIREDO, Debora. (Eds.). Genre in a changing world. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse, 2009. p. 3-18.

Task 4 Check out the following links. Are they useful? Can you suggest any other resources for Discourse Genres in English Language Teaching online?

[1] An A-Z of ELT Scott Thornbury's blog

Task 5 Topics for research and oral presentations

[1] [Students: Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx]

BAZERMAN, Charles. Genre and Cognitive Development: Beyond Writing to Learn. In: BAZERMAN, Charles; BONINI, Adair; FIGUEIREDO, Debora. (Eds.). Genre in a changing world. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse, 2009. p. 279-294. [click here]

[2] [Students: Lindomar]

ROJO, Roxane Helena Rodrigues. Bakhtin's Circle's Speech Genres Theory: Tools for a Tansdisciplinary Analysis of Utterances in Didactic Practices. In: BAZERMAN, Charles; BONINI, Adair; FIGUEIREDO, Debora. (Eds.). Genre in a changing world. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse, 2009. p. 295-316. [click here]

[3] [Students: Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx]

DEVITT, Amy. Teaching Critical Genre Awareness. In: BAZERMAN, Charles; BONINI, Adair; FIGUEIREDO, Debora. (Eds.). Genre in a changing world. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse, 2009. p. 336-351. [click here]

Course Plan 2019.1

Dates with assignments and notes

February 23rd Make-up activity

Task 3

March 2nd Make-up activity

Tasks 4 and 6

March 9th Make-up activity

Task 7

March 16th Make-up activity

Task 8

March 23rd Make-up activity

Task 9

March 30th Make-up activity

Task 10

April 6th Make-up activity

Task 11

April 13th Make-up activity

Task 12

July 6th [The "real" beginning of the course]

Task 1 + some getting to know each other [group dynamics]

Who's the professor?

Click on the photo to reach my full Currículo Lattes

[4] [Students: Rosiery Lorent]

COUTINHO, Maria Antónia; MIRANDA, Florencia. To describe Genres: Problems and Strategies. In: BAZERMAN, Charles; BONINI, Adair; FIGUEIREDO, Debora. (Eds.). Genre in a changing world. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse, 2009. p. 35-55. [click here]

Discourse / Genre / Discourse Genres / Text types / Modes of discourse / Discourse communities [communities of practice] / Language / Culture

Discourse genres and ELT: theoretical aspects

Discourse genres and ELT: teaching practices

Discourse genres and the EFL/ESL textbook

Task 6 Reading: notetaking, highlighting, vocobulary checking, sharing.

Refer to the text you have been assigned to present in Task 5.

Task 7 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

under construction


Task 8 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

under construction

* Plan task 2 [Brief report of the day]

* Check contact info


Task 9 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

under construction

Task 10 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

under construction

Task 11 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

under construction

Task 12 Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

under construction


July 13th

Make-up activity referring to February 23rd. Attendace list for this date will be signed upon task accomplishment

Tasks 3 and 2 [ Brief report of the day: Ramon ]

* Plan oral presentations

July 20th

Make-up activity referring to March 2nd. Attendace list for this date will be signed upon task accomplishment

Tasks 3, 5 and 2 [ Brief report of the day: Bárbara ]



2ª Festa Literária de Ilhéus

“O feminino e a leitura do mundo”

July 27th

Make-up activity referring to March 9th. Attendace list for this date will be signed upon task accomplishment

Tasks 6 and 2 [ Brief report of the day: Bruno and Lindomar ]

August 3rd

Make-up activity referring to March 16th. Attendace list for this date will be signed upon task accomplishment

Tasks xx and 2 [ Brief report of the day: Elias and Rosiery ]

August 10th

Make-up activity referring to March 23rd. Attendace list for this date will be signed upon task accomplishment

Tasks 4 and 2 [ Brief report of the day: Monique ]

August 17th

Make-up activity referring to March 30th and April 6th. Attendace list for this date will be signed upon task accomplishment


Oral presentations by Bruno




August 24th

Make-up activity referring to April 13th. Attendace list for this date will be signed upon task accomplishment


Oral presentations by Bárbara





Prova Final

31.08.19 [8:20-10:00]

[1] Entrega de atividades e apresentações atrasadas

[ou não feitas durante o semestre]

[2] Redação de um texto dissertativo de, no mínimo, 200 palavras, em língua inglesa, sobre um dos seis itens a serem listados contendo temáticas e objetos referentes à disciplina. [Materiais impressos referentes à disciplina e dicionários impressos poderão ser consultados]


Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Página mantida pelo projeto de extensão Dinamizando o ensino da língua inglesa

Coordenação: Prof. Isaias Francisco de Carvalho
