Quiz 11 - Adectives + Prepositions

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Projeto de Extensão

Coordenação geral: Prof. Isaias Carvalho

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Quiz 11

Adjectives + prepositions

Murphy, R. English Grammar In Use. Cambridge University Press, 1989.


Part A. Complete the sentences. In each case use the most suitable adjective in the box with the correct preposition.

different full sorry responsible interested

short similar tired capable impressed

1 I don’t feel sorry for George. All his problems are entirely his own fault.

2 I can’t stop to talk to you now. I’m a bit time.

3 ‘Do you want to watch the football match on television? ‘No, thanks. I’m not football.’

4 Your shoes are mine but they’re not exactly the same.

5 My new job is a completely new experience for me. It’s quite what I did before.

6 Man is now destroying the whole world with nuclear weapons.

7 We’ve got plenty of things to eat. The fridge is food.

8 I wasn’t very the service in the restaurant. We had to wait ages before getting our food.

9 Can’t we have something different to eat for a change? I’m having the same thing day after day.

10 The editor is what appears in his newspaper.

Part B. Complete the sentences using the words in the box. Sometimes two answers are possible.

Example: I’m getting bored with my present job.

of by with on about in from for at to

1 They’re very proud their children.

2 My sister has just got engaged her boyfriend.

3 Are you worried your driving test?

4 You’re very good explaining things.

5 Sydney in Australia is famous its Opera House.

6 She’s quite capable doing the job.

7 We’re getting really excited our holiday.


Part C. Complete these sentences with the correct preposition.

Example: Sorry about the noise last night. We were having a party.

a I’d rather not go to an Indian restaurant. I’m not very keen Indian food.

b Ann is very fond her younger brother.

c This part of town is always very lively at night. It’s usually crowded people.

d In the cupboard I found a box full old letters.

e I felt sorry the children when we went on holiday. It rained every day and they had to spend most of the time indoors.

f He said he was sorry the situation but that there was nothing he could do.

g Britain certainly isn’t famous its food.

h They looked bored. I don’t think they were interested what I was saying.

i That man’s very honest. He isn’t capable telling a lie.

j The man we interviewed for the job was quite intelligent but we weren’t very impressed his appearance.

k Travelling is great at first but you get tired it after a while.

l Do you know anyone who might be interested buying an old car?

m Our house is similar theirs – I think ours is a bit larger.

n Bill and I come from the same town but my accent is different his.

o The police are responsible maintaining law and order.

p We’re short staff in our office at the moment. There aren’t enough people to do the work that has to be done.

q I’m sorry the smell in this room. It’s just been painted.

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Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz – UESC

Campus Soane Nazaré de Andrade km 16 Rodovia Ilhéus-Itabuna CEP 45662-000. Ilhéus-Bahia

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Itabuna/Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil

Ilustrações dos temas na base da página por: Wellington Mendes da Silva Filho