Anglophone Literatures II

  Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Colegiado de Letras

Página mantida pelo projeto de extensão Dinamizando o ensino da língua inglesa


LTA757 - Literaturas Anglófonas II        Anglophone Literatures II

Process Assessment Form - click here

pdf files and other materials - click here

       under construction      

Dear LTA757-Anglophone Literatures II (T01P01) students


Reading and debating moderations will have up to 10 minutes for the introduction, contextualization and general highlights of the moderator, and up to 50 minutes for debate (depending on the text and the progress of the discussions, this time can be extended or reduced). The moderator will also be responsible for encouraging and organizing the speeches of all colleagues. It is not mandatory to prepare slides (but recommended) or a formal “lesson plan”. It is important that the moderator and all colleagues highlight excerpts from the text to read during the discussion. If the moderator chooses to carry out their moderation in Portuguese, instead of up to five [xxxxx], they will receive up to four marks [xxxx]. For all, if they choose to make their oral participation (comment) in Portuguese, instead of up to three marks [iii], they will receive up to two [ii]. Thank you for your understanding and commitment.



Assignments for UESC Literatures in English students 

[all tasks must have a written record and some in-class oral statement, unless your professor tell you otherwise]

Task 1    Read the Course Description, the Course Plan (on the right column), Assessment, and the Bibliography of Anglophone Literatures II.

Task 2  Go to Questions on Literature. Check all questions, but choose six for you to answer based on your previous knowledge. New research is not required, but highly recommended. Be ready for group discussion. 

Task 3  Go to A few teaching/learning principles. Be ready to discuss them with your peers and the professor. Reflect upon them. Pick out one of them which is your number 1.

Task 4    Read about Chimamanda Adichie's life and works. Click here. Take relevant notes to share with your professor and peers. 

Task 5   Read the short story “The thing around your neck”, by Chimamanda Adichie [in English]. [click here]. Answer the questions in the "Worksheet on The thing around your neck and A private experience" [To be provided by your professor]. The Portuguese version [available here] can be read for better understanding, but it will not be the text approached in class.

Task 6     Read the short story “A private experience”, by Chimamanda Adichie [in English]. [sent by your professor, via e-mail].  Answer the questions in the "Worksheet on The thing around your neck and A private experience" [To be provided by your professor]. The Portuguese version [sent by your professor, via e-mail] can be read for better understanding, but it will not be the text approached in class.

Task 7    Read the Introduction (p. 1-13) to The Empire Writes Back. Click here. Highlight the main points and be ready to comment on them in class.

Task 8    Read the information about Journal Writing. Once a month you are expected to turn in your journal writing notebook with one (or more) journal entry(ies) with at least 250 words. [4 entries throughout the course]  Canceled for LTA757 2023.2.

Task 9    Watch "The danger of a single story", by Chimamanda Adichie [Click on the image below]. Take notes, analyze Adichie's main ideas, and be ready to discuss them in class with your peers and professor.  [commentary to be sent by e-mail -]  

Task 10   Read chapter I - "Cutting the ground: critical models of post-colonial literatures" (p. 14-36) of The Empire Writes Back. Click here

Task 11    Watch "The novelist as forthright political thinker" - interview with Chimamanda Adichie. By Christiane Amanpour (CNN). [Click on the link below]. Take notes, analyze Adichie's main ideas, and be ready to discuss them in class with your peers and professor. 

The novelist as forthright political thinker, with Christiane Amanpour (CNN)

Task 12     Poem of the day   At the beginning of each class, a student (or two) will be assigned to give a 5-minute presentation of a poem in English: read it, highlight aspects of it, present a [real] very short bio of the poet etc. Bare in mind: why did you pick this poem? React freely to it. It is always best to send slides/materials to your professor's e-mail prior to the class.

Task 13    Read Things fall apart, by Chinua Achebe.

Task 14   Download the model file for your Research Plan (Credit 1)  ////// Go to O artigo científico. Check all guidelines for final paper format and more. 

Task 15   Read about Chinua Achebe's life and works. Click here [and other sources]. Take relevant notes to share with your professor and peers. 

Task 16   SILVA, Camila. A dessubalternização da mulher negra: o pós-colonial nigeriano na escrita de Chimamanda Adichie. Orientador: Isaias Francisco de Carvalho. 2021. TCC (Graduação) - Curso de Letras, Departamento de Letras e Artes, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhéus, 2021. Click here.

Task 17    Click here. Check the full list, pick one of the black writers listed. Read about him/her, do further (re)search, and take notes. Be ready to share comments and biographical and literary information about the author you choose. 

Task 18   Read Jamaica Kincaid's "On seeing England for the first time". Click here. Highlight excerpts, take notes, and prepare to discuss it. [KINCAID, Jamaica. On seeing England for the first time. Transition, # 51. Oxford University Press, 1991.]

Task 19      Click here. Check the full list, pick one of the queer poets listed. Read about him/her, do further (re)search, and take notes. Be ready to share comments and biographical and literary information about the author you choose. 


Course Plan - 2024.1

Dates with assignments

 Fridays 7:30-10:50

[1]   March 15th 

  Tasks 1 and 3        Disclaimer

[2]   March 22nd   

  Tasks 12 (Poem of the day: Pedro), 2, 18 (Little Pumpkin) and Planning for the whole semester


[3]   April 5th

    Tasks 12 (Poem of the day: Melissa), 13 (Things fall apart - Chapters 1 to 6; mediator: The Messiah) and 15 [Read about Chinua Achebe's life and works. Click here [and other sources]. Take relevant notes to share with your professor and peers.]  11, 4 and 5

[4]    April 12th  

       Tasks 12 (Poem of the day: Reis), 13 (Things fall apart - Chapters 7 to 13; mediator: Macedo; Chapters 14 to 19; mediator: Brenda) , 4 (continued), and 9 [commentary to be sent by e-mail]

[5]   April 19th

   Tasks 12 (Poem of the day: Aliks & Paulo),  13 (Things fall apart - Chapters 20 to 25; mediator: Sam) 16 (mediators: Jessica & Ricardo)

[6]   April 26th

   Tasks 12 (Poem of the day: Macedo), 15, 7 (mediators: Reis + Yasmin)

[7]    May 3rd

       Tasks 12 (Poem of the day: Jéssica, Adriele & Fabrício), and 

[8]    October 27th

      Tasks 12 (Poem of the day: Lara, Mikaely & Luanna),  and 10 (mediators: Mikaely & Paulo


[9]     November 10th

Tasks  12 (Poem of the day: Ketie & Luiz Felipe), 13 (Things fall apart - Chapters 7 to 13; mediators: Willian & Larissa)


[10]    November 17th

   Tasks  12 (Poem of the day: Pedro Borges, Fernanda & Larissa), 13 (Things fall apart - Chapters 14 to 19; mediators: Lara & Igor)  , and 14 (professor's guidelines)

[11]    November 24th 

  Tasks  12 (Poem of the day: Isvy & Bruna), 13 (Things fall apart - Chapters 20 to 25; mediators: Pedro Arão & Fernanda) and 17 (mediators: João Pedro, Juliana & Isvy)

          Oral presentations by 

Fabricio de Jesus Santos

Lara Sabrina Sant Ana Santos

Mikaely Costa Dias

Bianca Farias Lopes

Luiz Felipe Gonçalves de Oliveira

Ricardo Mattuella

Juliana Santos Ribeiro 

[12]    December 1st    

     Tasks 12 (Poem of the day: João Pedro & Igor), and 18 (mediators: Bianca, João Luiz & Fabricio)

           Oral presentations by

Pedro Arão das Merces Carvalho

Pedro Henrique Borges de Oliveira

Adriele Silva Cardoso

Igor Costa Alexandre

Willian Nascimento Santos

Fernanda Maria de Jesus Santos

Paulo Antonio Santos do Socorro

[13]     December 8th    

   19 mediators: Pedro Borges, Luiz Felipe & Ketie)

             Oral presentations by

Aliks Douglas Souza de Oliveira

Larissa Gomes de Jesus

Luanna Moreno Santos Araújo

Bruna Oliveira Santos

Isvy Renata Oliveira da Silva

Joao Pedro Montenegro de Oliveira

Jessica Peluso Silva

João Luiz de Sá Neto

Ketie Emilly Santos Neves

Raquel Barbosa Galvão