Quiz 7 - Prepositions of time: since, for, to, from, until

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Projeto de Extensão

Coordenação geral: Prof. Isaias Carvalho

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Quiz 7

Prepositions of time: since, for, to, from, until

Shepherd, J. et al. Ways to Grammar. Macmillan, 1990.

Complete the following with prepositions from the box:

1 The First World War lasted more than four years, 1914 1918. It was the first significant European war more than 50 years – the Crimean War, in fact. Soldiers from many parts of the world took part, including India, Australia, Canada and the United States, though the Americans did not take part 1917.

2 Queen Victoria ruled Great Britain 1837 1901. The beginning she surprised her ministers with her ability. In 1840 she married Prince Albert, with whom she had nine children. This meant that she practically disappeared from public life 20 years, 1861, in fact, when Prince Albert died. Some years after that she became probably the most popular monarch Queen Elizabeth I in the sixteenth century.

3 Oil was used in industry and in automobiles many years before it became an international problem. 1973 the price of oil remained very low, but that time prices have risen sharply. Although 1976 1978 there was a halt in the price rises, there will probably be no change in the present unpredictable situation new sources of energy become abundant.

4 Up 1066, England was a country where a number of languages, such as Celtic and West Saxon, were spoken. the next 300 years there was a division between the old inhabitants, who continued to speak the old languages, and the new rulers from Normandy, who spoke French. It was probably not the time of Chaucer, at the end of the fourteenth century, that the two languages began to come together. then, of course, English has developed considerably, and the beginning of the present century the present time its progress as a world language has been astonishing.

5 The All-English Lawn Tennis Championship is probably the most famous tennis tournament. It has been played 1877, and most of its long history it remained a tournament for amateurs. Fairly recently, there was no question of professionals taking part, but 1972 1974 considerable difficulties arose as professionals were banned and many of the world’s greatest players could not compete. 1974, however, all the world’s best tennis players have once again taken part, and Wimbledon is once again the number one tournament.

Since for to from until

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