Quiz 16 - Verb + Preposition

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - UESC

Departamento de Letras e Artes - DLA

Projeto de Extensão

Coordenação geral: Prof. Isaias Carvalho

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Quiz 16

Verb + preposition

Beaumont, Digby and C. Granger. The Heinemann English Grammar. Heinemann, 1992.

After many verbs we use particular prepositions. For example, we say believe in and concentrate on. Here are some common examples of these verb + preposition combinations:

· apologize to someone for (doing) something I apologized to her for being late.

· apply for Are you going to apply for the job?

· believe in Do you believe in life after death?

· belong to Does this book belong to you?

· care about (= think someone / something is important)

I don’t care about money. Money can’t buy happiness. / But: care for (= look after; nurse)

She’s very good at caring for sick animals.

· take care of (= look after) Could you take care of the baby while I go out shopping?

· complain to (someone) about (something) The workers complained to the manager about the working conditions.

· concentrate on Concentrate on the road when you’re driving.

· crash into run into drive into bump into When I was driving home I almost crashed into a bus.

· depend on Are you going to the beach tomorrow?’ ‘It depends on the weather.’

· die of A lot of people are dying of AIDS.

· dream about (while asleep) I was dreaming about Sue when I suddenly woke up.

But: dream of (= imagine) When I was younger I dreamt of being a famous pop-singer.

Also: dream of ( = consider) I wouldn’t dream of changing my job.

· hear about (= be told about) Have you heard about Jimmy? He broke his leg in a skiing accident.

But: hear from (= receive news from) We haven’t heard from Mike since he wrote to us last May.

Also: hear of (= know that someone / something exists) Have you heard of a disco called The Dance Factory?

· laugh at smile at Who’s that girl smiling at you?

· listen to Would you like to listen to some music?

· look at (= use the eyes) Look at this photograph.

But: look for (= try to find) Can you help me, please? I’m looking for West Street.

Also: look after (= take care of) Could you look after the baby while I go out shopping?

· rely on You can’t rely on the post. It’s always late.

· search for I’ve been searching for my keys.

· shout at (e.g., when you are angry) Don’t shout at me! I can hear you.

· speak to talk to I spoke to Sue this morning.

· suffer from He suffers from asthma.

· think about (= use the mind) You look sad. What are you thinking about?

But: think of / about (= consider) I’m thinking of / about changing my job.

Also: think of (= have as an opinion about) ‘What do you think of Sue?’ ‘She’s very nice.’

Also: think of (= bring to the mind) I can’t think of any reason why the accident happened.

· wait for How long have you been waiting for the bus?

· write to I’ll write to you soon.

Verb + object + preposition

After some verbs we use an object followed by particular prepositions. For example, we say borrow something from someone. Here are some common examples of these verb + object + preposition combinations:

· accuse someone of (doing) something The police accused the man of murder.

· blame someone / something for something Don’t blame me for what happened. It wasn’t my fault.

But: blame something on someone / something Don’t blame what happened on me. It wasn’t my fault.

· borrow something from someone I borrowed some money from my mother.

· congratulate someone on (doing) something We congratulated them on getting married.

· explain something to someone I explained the problem to the police.

· invite someone to something Mike has invited me to the cinema this evening.

· remind someone about something (= tell someone not to forget)

Simon reminded me about Sarah’s birthday, so I bought a card.

But: remind someone of something / someone (= cause someone to remember)

This song reminds me of the first time we met.

· tell someone about something Did they tell you about their holiday?

· warn someone about something / someone His boss has warned him about being late for work.

Part A. Complete the sentences using the words in the box.

Example: I was worried and found it difficult to concentrate on my work.

a When he gets angry he always starts shouting everyone.

b This car isn’t mine. It belongs Mike.

c Selfish people only care themselves.

d He complained the children the mess they’d made.

e I won’t tell anyone what happened. You can rely me.

f She apologized me losing her temper.

g I’ve written the company and applied the job.

h Mrs. Woods suffers bronchitis.

i My grandfather died old age.

j We’re thinking going to the cinema.

k Have you ever thought moving to another country?

l I remember his face, but I can’t think his name.

m ‘We went to the concert.’ ‘What did you think it?’

n ‘Do you know a disco called The Zap Club?’ ‘No, I’ve never heard it.’

o Excuse me, We’re looking the sports centre. Could you tell us how to get there?

p Thank you for looking my mother while she was will.

q I don’t believe horoscopes.

r She dreams being an actress one day.

s I dreamt my grandmother last night.

t She searched through her bag a pen.

u We’re depending you to help us.

v The car went out of control and crashed the back of a bus.

Part B. Complete the sentences using the words highlighted below.

Example: They blamed the accident on the driver of the lorry.

from on to about of for

1 Don’t blame other people your own mistakes.

2 This town reminds me the place where I was born.

3 Will you remind Peter the party next Saturday?

4 I congratulated Mary getting the new job.

5 I borrowed the umbrella a friend of mine.

6 The woman accused me trying to steal her bag.

7 They’ve invited us their house for dinner.

8 We’ve warned him swimming in that part of the river.

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Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz – UESC

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poéticos acadêmicos parentéticos

© 2009 isaiasfcarvalho@gmail.com

Itabuna/Ilhéus, Bahia, Brasil

Ilustrações dos temas na base da página por: Wellington Mendes da Silva Filho