
This subject is a linear perspective drawing of a imaginary kitchen. This is based off different styles of kitchens I had in my head. I chose to create this specific work because I really liked how my other three linear perspective drawings turned out. For materials I used a black thin sharpie and a ruler. I used a variety of techniques and methods such as drawing and outlining. While creating this work I paid close attention to shape form and space. I wanted every line to connect to the vanishing point so it would look realistic. I wanted my artwork to look simple, and i did this by not adding too many things in the picture. And I also wanted it to look matured, and I did this by making all of the lines really clean and trying not to have any smudges on the paper. To add interest to my composition I used emphasis and balance, I did this by trying to make an even amount of objects on both sides of the room so the picture would look balanced but also used emphasis when i made all the lines black. I like the way my final product turned out, and I am proud of how clean it looked at the end. I struggled with making one of the countertops connected to the vanishing point. If I created another work like this I would pick a different ting to draw. I think i would try and draw a city. My work shows that I improved my skill from last time i drew perspective drawings.