Find Your Voice

"I really am anxious"

9" x 12.5"

November 13th, 2019

The main thing I was trying to portray was anxiety and what things commonly excite anxiety (negativity, stress, social reassurance, and self confidence). This relates to my life because anxiety is something that I struggle with and I thought that by creating a work that so clearly demonstrates an issue that many people struggle with.

The specific materials I used in this project were multiple color felt tip pens that I used to outline the hair and the silhouette of the face, which I also used in the four boxes to add detail. Then I used multiple watercolor pencils to fill in the blank space that I created with the felt tip pens. The colorful lines in the background are supposed to represent the lines on monitors in hospital rooms. I chose yellow for the background because its a neutral color and makes the monitor lines pop out. For the monitor lines I also used water color pencils and felt tip pens.

I first started off with just regular colored pencils and I figured that I would just add layers and burnish the colors to make them stronger but I changed to water color pencils for the connivence of blending the material. I think my project really evolved by dividing the space and using that space to show other aspects of anxiety. Since my idea was to portray that even a person that looks perfect on the outside can also have issues on the inside that no one knows about. I want to add an earring to solidify the perfection of the girl in the middle.