
"Circles upon circles"

12" x 14"

January 21st, 2020

For this project I wanted to do something different. All semester I had been doing one composition that related the assignment. Even though this relates to the assignment none of the actual circles on the paper are supposed to correspond with each other. This project relates to my life because whenI was coming up with things that were circles that I could draw they all came from experiences that I've had.

First I took out a blank piece of paper and wrote down all of the things I could think of that were circular. The I picked the best twenty and sketched then out in each of the boxes in pencil. After that I grabbed some watercolor pencils and water and paintbrushes to start to add color to the piece. After I had they objects that I wanted sketched out in each square I added color and then went back over it with more water color pencils and made the colors more saturated. Then I took all of my fine point colored pens and outlined everything.

I experimented with the process by debating what to put in the boxes. I had a hard time trying to figure out what to put next to each other without having them relate. I think my project evolved when I added things to the circles on the edge to make them break the border because after I did it on one I liked it and started to do it to more. I think my nexts steps could be saturating the colors more and cleaning up the edges of all of the circles.