Elements & Principles of Design Diptych

"Elements and Principles"

18" x 24"

October 25th, 2019

I picked two of my squares from the matrix and made them bigger and added color. The reason I picked these two squares is because when we did a critique those two were marked as some of my better squares. This project has a lot of red in it, which is actually my least favorite color. I've been trying two work with more red in my art to desensitize myself to the color.

I first took a 2B pencil and a ruler and made one inch marks on the left side to create a checkerboard. Then I took oil pastels and colored in the boxes and blended them out with a tortillen. On the right side I sketched the design out in pencil and then took a black sharpie and outlined everything that I had sketched in pencil, after took two markers (red and purple) and colored in the different spaces.

First I measured multiple times to figure out the size I liked for the checkerboard. My project evolved from pencil sketches to a mixed media project. I think my next steps could be going over the marker with another layer of the same colors.