Sustained Investigation #14

"Green Afternoon"

6.5" x 5"

March 20th, 2020

So for this project I really wanted to continue with what I did last time which was landscape illustration. I've always enjoyed coloring books and I thought this would be a good way to incorporate the two. This projects relates to my life because this reminds me of the coloring books I used to color in at my camp in Harpswell when I was younger.

First I figured out what kind of landscape I wanted to draw and then I started playing with how I wanted the trees to look and I did all this in pencil. Once I liked how everything looked I went over it in a black fine tip sharpie. Then I got my acrylic paint and mixed up a bunch of colors to make the colors I was envisioning in my head. After I painted everything I thought that the lines were super important to seeing the illustration part so I went back over the originals lines that had faded because of the paint.

I think the biggest experiment I had this time was figuring out how I wanted everything to look. Like I knew I wanted trees and hills and stuff I just had to figure out how I wanted the trees to look. I think the biggest step that made my project look more finished wasn't the paint but when I went back over the lines after I had painted so that way the illustration part wouldn't be lost. I think I could add more highlights and shadows to the clouds which I can do by layering more paint.