Sustained Investigation #7

"Lily and Trixie"

5" x 8"

November 14th, 2019

I wanted to try a digital drawing because I haven't had much experience with it and I think it could be pretty fun to work with again in the future. So these are my two dogs, Lily and Trixie. Since we were allowed to have a single subject in frontal view, i figured that it would be pretty easy considering I have two dogs and I could easily take a picture of them while siting. I chose to make this because I love my dogs and I wanted to make something that was really detail oriented because those are the types of projects I generally like better.

The first thing I did was get a picture of my two dogs sitting on the floor in my kitchen looking up at me for the picture. Then I copied the picture (screen-shotted an identical one) and cropped the picture so it was only one dog and I could focus on the detail of one at a time. Because I hadn't gotten a Wacom tablet to draw from the school classes before I used my personal laptop and stylus to draw and then send it to my phone and laptop to print it out at school. All the drawing consisted of was the pen feature on adobe draw and the ruler feature to make the floor lines. I did al of this in black because I wanted this to be a high contrast piece.

I started off thinking about drawing it because that would get rid of the technology aspect which sometimes can be frustrating, but I figured I would challenge myself so that way I would know how to use it in the future. I think my project came a long way from just my two dogs in the center, I think by adding the lines to the background to create the lines of a floor helped push my work to be stronger. If I were to critique it I'm pretty sure the one thing I would change would be make the dogs darker, or invert the colors because black on white is pretty common and by changing it I think it would almost add an element of surprise.