Time Capsules


3" x 4.5"

September 13th, 2019


3" x 4.5"

September 13th, 2019

Self Portrait

3" x 4.5"

September 13th, 20

I was assigned to do three different drawings all with three different prompts. The story behind the first two images on the left are just things that I like and then the one on the right is just a self portrait. These relate to my life because on thing that I like to do is get my nails done, which you can tell because they are the only things in color. And everyday on my fist day of school my mom picks me a bouquet of flowers. For all three sketches they started out in pencil and then i went over them in either pen or felt tip colored pens, except for the one all the way to the right, that one i just left in pencil. the processes i used were pretty similar i was drawing objects that were literally sitting right in front of me. And for the self portrait I just used a mirror. My projects started as just a bunch of sketchy lines and then I turned them into darker and permanent lines. I think my next steps could be adding a pattern for the background or maybe just backgrounds so they don't look like they are floating.