Sustained Investigation #10

Lost in Lahaina

8.5" x 11"

February 24th, 2020

I wanted to take something plain and add texture to it. I did this by just layering acrylic paint on top of plain printer paper. I wanted to try something new and I haven't really explored this kind of material. This project relates to my life because it is probably my favorite place in the whole entire world and also where I'm going back to after high school.

First I picked an image from my camera roll and emailed it to myself so I could print it. Then I adjusted the saturation and contrast in the tools part of the image on my computer to enhance the colors. After that I adjusted the resolution so it would be super clear and then printed it. After I printed it, I got some acrylic paint and mixed some colors together and matched them to the colors in the picture. After that I just painted over the parts of the image to make the color really stand out. I ended up painting with the other end of the paintbrush and a palette knife to add texture with the paint. then i went back and outlines some of places I had painted

I'd say I experimented with the picture digitally before printing it. I thought that would be a good idea because it would have been really hard to enhance the colors after I had printed the picture.My process evolved by probably the layering of the paint and also probably experimenting with the materials, i had never painted on top of a picture before and had it actually turn out the way I wanted it to.I think my next steps would be probably printing out a black and white version of the same picture and then doing the same thing and painting on it to really show the color and painitng with things other than a paintbrush to add texture as well.