
"Ring-Necked Duck"

9" x 12"

January 21st, 2020

What I wanted to show in this work was what the Ring Necked Duck looked like, such as feather pattern, colors, shape, and size and I wanted to show the kind of habitat it lived in. This project relates to my life because I think that birds are cool and I like learning about new species.

The first thing I did was sketch out the shape of the duck, where the grass was going to go as well as the detail and lines that show the change in color on the duck .he second thing I did was paint the water dark blue, but I did leave where I was going to put the duck area white. After that I painted the grass. I mixed four different shades and tints of green and layered them over each other to make the depth stronger in the grass area. After that I took white acrylic paint and painted where I wanted to put the duck. ThenI mixed some grey and started paining the duck and its wing patterns. And finally I added some light blue to the water to create texture.

The process was pretty straightforward but I think that if I were to do something differently it would be the material I use. I would not use acrylic paint again. I think my project evolved when I went back in and added more layers to the grass area. I think my next steps could be adding another duck and changing the material to something a little easier to work with like colored pencil.