What are your senior privileges?

By: Cierrah Washington and Keyziah McCoy


In this screenshot you can see that 94% of the people that we interviewed do not have a senior lounge or designated lunch area at their school. With all the crowded lunch rooms and so many schools have regulations on where we can and cannot eat , you would think that at least of the schools would have a designated lunch rooms for seniors, but they don’t.

According to our survey, 73.5% of students say that their school does not offer early release for seniors while 26.5% say that their school does. I have friends who are seniors in high school who think that early release will benefit them by allowing them to pick up more hours at work. Other friends of mine think that early release should be granted to seniors who have reached the amount of credits required to graduate because they feel that they are forced to take unnecessary classes just to fill out the school day.

Having a designated area to act as a senior lounge during lunch periods could look something like this. There should definitely be a set of rules in place to make sure the place is kept clean, and everyone is respected. Sometimes students hang out in hallways due to lack of space in the cafeteria and not having anywhere else to go, so a lounge would be helpful in eliminating disruption during instruction.

Now that you've read a little about the podcast please take some time to listen to it below, thank you.

key and ci podcast.mp3