School Lunch: The good and the bad

By: Damonte Rush


This lunchroom belongs to the school I attend, Carver HSES. It is a place where everyone in the school goes every day, and this place is definitely one of the most energetic places in the school, where everyone can talk freely and enjoy time with their friends. In my podcast, you will find a lot of information about the lunchroom. The main focus of my podcast is about the lunchroom, and the lunch that they provide there. There are a few questions I am focusing on such as the differences that people have seen in the school lunches in the last 5 or so years.

The point of this picture is to show what we have every day for lunch, and to see if there is a consistency with what is shown and what is written. When looking at the menu, the food that we get is pretty consistent with what it says each day. One interesting thing that I learned from someone who is behind making all of us our food, and something that you will hear in the podcast is that the food has 100% improved that we receive daily now than what was served even 4-5 years ago.

When looking at this picture, it must be known that I filed a Pennsylvania Right To Know (RTK) request. I asked the person at the head of the school district to give me any documents or contracts that were made between the lunch manufacturers and my school, Carver HSES. Instead, I received this letter and next to no information about what I wanted. Initially, they had asked for a 30 day extension, but it only took them about half of that time to send back this response.