Black On the Attack in Class?
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Looking back at the time of segregation between whites and blacks in the 1950s it is very evident of the treatment of the minority black people. They were forced to endure worse conditions than their white counterparts. This disparity was disputed and was thought to be changed but is there really any change in the school systems. What would you say that even with integration there is still discrimination in schools. This problem is very prevalent in schools especially when the minority are African Americans.
Schools today have a problem that no one wants to speak on. The treatment of black students in many of these “top” schools is questionable at best. Whether is the heavy presence of police officers that statically profile blacks students, or the undeniable presence of white washed lessons that exclude many notable minority events. The idea that things have really changed is brought into question with this observation. While blacks and whites have been integrated how is the treatment of blacks any better if they constantly berated and mistreated.
What can be done to help remedy this problem? That is the million dollar question, the first step should be first to bring attention to the problem. The fact that people can even try to resist or refute the existence of mistreatment of black students in majority white schools is appalling. Once attention is gained then a deeper look into the administration is needed to identify the problem that these schools may have. Then the most important part is that action is needed, all of these plans will be for nothing if no action is taken. An entire nationwide school reform is needed to not only accommodate for black people but for all minority groups.