Friends and Faith

By: Cierrah Washington November 5, 2018

Often times, religion plays a huge role in the way people live. After a certain age, people (mostly teens) begin to deviate from things they may have grew up believing in order to figure things out for themselves. The interviews in this investigations seek to explore how the social environment impacts the religious practices of teens.

Christian Views

To what religion do you belong? Christian

What role has religion played in your life? A major role.

What is it like having friends whose religious beliefs differ from your own? It’s interesting. I get to see the differences of what my friends can and cannot do as well as learn what they believe in.

In what ways have your parent(s) religious beliefs affected your own? My mom basically made it known that in her house I will be Christian because that’s what she raised me to be and God didn’t give me a reason to believe he’s not real so why look into a different religion?

Islamic views

To what religion do you belong? Islam

What role has religion played in your life? A major role

What is it like having friends whose religious beliefs differ from your own? Having friends with other beliefs is interesting because I get to see their views and compare them to mine.

In what ways have your parent(s) religious beliefs affected your own? My mom has made it very clear that I practice whatever she practices as long as I’m living with her. At times it’s frustrating but I understand where she’s coming from.

undecided view

To what religion do you belong? At the moment none. I believe in a higher being, a GOD. I want to find what fits me though, and understand everything about it before I commit!

What role has religion played in your life? A moral role. I grew up in a Christian/Catholic family. I’ve always have been conscious of how I treat others and having moral integrity which is due to the beliefs of the religion.

What is it like having friends whose religious beliefs differ from your own? Nothing different truly, because I have prayed with Muslims during Ramadan, I’ve been to church...thing is I’ve never been christened or baptized. So I am not secular in my beliefs.

In what ways have your parent(s) religious beliefs Affected your own? No way truly, they are the reason why I wasn’t christened or baptized. They wanted to give me the opportunity to choose my own faith. Though I have been to church with them as a family, and prayed to their GOD, it is because it’s all I know.

My perspective: supportive friends and family

My mom always reminded me that being a Muslim and practicing Islam is much more than covering modestly and not eating pork as most non-Muslims think. Since I wasn't in a place where I was practicing the religion fully, I decided to uncover. I've had many talks with my friends both Muslim and non-Muslim and they completely understand my journey.

Families shape faith, friends spark good conversations

Based on the insight provided from people I've interviewed, parents and family play a huge role in the religious practices of teens. One common trait in their families, regardless of religion is that the parents want their children to practice the same religion as they do. I have also learned that for the most part, teens are comfortable in the religion that they practice. Having friends who practice different religion sparks some curiosity, and creates good conversations for those who can handle it.