What impact does not having a computer at home have on your grades at CarveR?

By: Marqiff Anderson October 5, 2018 16 Years old Youth Journalist @ E&S Sports, School Academics North Philly

What impact does not having a computer and/or internet access have on your grade at Carver?

It seems that not having a computer at home has a negative impact on your grade. Without it you can miss plenty of homework assignments and information possibly for the next school day and you will just be lost. Ricardo Cook, a student who has a computer, completes his homework majority of the time and maintain good grades is one of the students that gave his opinion on the situation. He told me that having computer access at home is very essential to his grades.

Graph of students that have computer access and who use it in different school grade levels. Photo credit:

Notice that students in high school have the lowest computer access and use it less which obviously has a negative effect on our grades.

For Carver , this means we should try a little harder for the students without computer access to have a fair chance at completing assignments and maintaining good grades. We do have some options but do those work? We can and should do better.

The conversation with Ricardo about how essential it is to have a computer at home:

Do you have computer access at home?

Ricardo: Yes I have an iMac.

Do you use it regularly or only for school purposes?

Ricardo: I use it sometimes for other things but mostly for school homework assignments.

OK, how important is having a computer at home?

Ricardo: I feel that you need a computer in order to complete majority of our homework assignments because teachers barely give us paper work, well that’s just for me.

If you didn’t have a computer at home do you think you would be able to maintain good grades?

Ricardo: No not at all because most or maybe all of our homework and study guides are on google classroom and not having a computer will only hurt your grades.

But most students have phones, what would not having a computer matter?

Ricardo: Because sometimes the phone can’t do everything that the computer can. Yeah you can probably review notes, study guides, and complete some homework assignments but that’s not the case all the time. Say your phone die or it breaks or something, that means you have no way to complete your homework or study notes for a possible test that’s coming up.