The Bust on the War on Drugs

By: Dayanna Shomo 9/18/18 and 10:35 Anxiety filled ball just trying to make it.

Photo credit: Creative Common

As an African American child who has seen people affected by the war on drugs, I have always wondered if it was a system biased towards us. I have seen first hand how badly it has affect my community. I have seen people of color who are assumed to be drugs dealers or sellers.

Photo credit: Halsey News

Airing the laundry

Anti-drug laws have always hit communities of color more than white communities.

This Vox article said it best: “ Although black communities aren't more likely to use or sell drugs, they are much more likely to be arrested and incarcerated for drug offenses.”(German).

The War on Drugs was never really about cutting down on drug use or saving or helping people with it. It originally started as mass hysteria from the effects opioids had on Chinese people, according to a Vox article, even though there were laws in place.

Then it was pumped up because it was political device used to help Richard Nixon win over the White house and beat down black people and anti-drug wars during the 60’s. Even Nixon's domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman said that it was a way to get back at certain groups of people, “by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities...Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."(LoBianco). As you can see the War on Drugs has never really was about noble intentions.

Organization for more reasonable drugs laws. ( Photo credits: SSDP website)

A journalist’s thoughts: Seeing the effects of the War on Drugs firsthand

Luis Montoya from the SSDP, a organization for sensible drugs laws, said that the War on Drugs “has failed,” and wasn’t even necessary in the first place. Even though it was supposed to be for stopping drug use, it hasn’t. He said that even more people use drugs. It's more of a war on race, he said.

Interview Highlights

What are your thoughts on the ongoing War on drugs?

“It has failed us.”

“Huge failure"

Do you think the War on drugs is a biases systems against colored people?

“It has devastated the black and Mexican communities.”

Do you think the War on drugs was a necessary policy America needs?


“More of racist hate thing for racism”

What is your organization doing to combat the war on drugs policy?

“Catalyst for student organization”

“Empower students to get involved in politics”

As you can see, the War on Drugs is nothing but a War on Race in disguise. It is played as something that will eliminate drug use and the selling of drugs. but as we can see, it is not really that.

Back to us

Stop lying down and taking it. The War on Drugs is a bust . People do care about this, and we should care too. The War on Drugs has been more about a war on people of color then really of elimination of drug use and selling. People of this generations needs to get on it and change how people see this. The War on Drugs is a total failure, and you should get into it because you would be surprised by the things I have learned.


German, Lopez. “Is the War on Drugs Racist?” Vox, Vox, 21 Aug. 2014,

LoBianco, Tom. “Report: Nixon's War on Drugs Targeted Black People.” CNN, Cable News Network, 24 Mar. 2016,