What happened to the bodies?

By: Brianna Bailey


My teachers came across this article from this journalist named Madeleine Wattenbarger and decided to share it with me. The article is called “The Searchers” and it is about disappearing people in Mexico. She helped these people search for their families. Some have been looking for their family members for months, even years and have not given up. The government estimated that about 40,000 Mexican have gone missing. Though, that is just an estimate the number may be way higher. Not everybody expects to find their relatives but there are hopes to find remains.

I got a chance to speak with Madeleine for the second time. I was really excited to interview her again. I asked her a couple questions about how she felt about this whole situation. She was very straightforward with her responses to my questions. She is such an easy person to talk to and she is always willing for an interview. She went into depth about this whole issue and gave her most honest opinion. I enjoyed talking to her. Her articles are very interesting and she is a great journalist; I hope to speak to her again in the future.

I am still appalled at the fact that many of these people are still out searching for their relatives until this day. Madeleine told me that a lady, who is now 70 years old, is still searching for her father who disappeared in the 70s. Personally, I believe that all the people still searching are strong because if I was in a predicament like this, my hope probably would have been gone a long time ago. They have the heart and patience to continue this search and not give up. There are not many people who would have continued to search high and low for their loved ones.