School Funding for Technology

Get a grant

By: Tahqui Peterson November 2, 2018 Real deal; The truth

Not just computers.

My school has access to many technology tools, like Chromebooks, while there are many schools in Philadelphia that don’t. Technology has been very helpful to me. It has enabled me to complete school work, study, and explore some of my hobbies. For instance, I'm able to use photoshop to make designs. But what is technology access like for other schools in Philadelphia? How do schools get funding for technology to really help students explore their interests?

Access to Technology in Philadelphia Public Schools

Because of the push to prepare students for 21st century jobs, technology is key in many school districts across the U.S. School districts like Philadelphia use technology tools to enhance their in-class curriculum. There are even school districts that actually offer over 120 courses online for students. This helps students when they aren’t able to make it to school. Technology benefits students because it allows us to get access to the most up to date information in a quick and easy way. With school funding stretched, where are teachers and school leaders finding the money for technology in their schools?

Profile: Robert Rivera-Amezola and Key Elementary

Mr Rivera-Amezola, technology teacher at Key Elementary in South Philadelphia, sought out funding for an innovative technology project from the Digital Literacy Alliance.

After getting feedback from teacher Robert Amezola, what stands out is that his school is able to afford things like iPads and cameras because of a grant he received. His school was given the Digital Literacy Alliance grant to enhance funding received through a Title 1 grant. Grants are major ways teachers like Mr. Amezola keep their technology up to date so that students can make and share their work with their communities. Mr. Amezola said that his school received the Digital Literacy Alliance grant because the organization saw that the Key community was truly interested in using technology for the betterment of themselves. Mr. Amezola’s students are active in digital media. So they used this grant particularly for cameras and iPads . Amezola explains: " This project aims to help families and community members tell and record their stories so that our students will learn from them. These stories will be housed on our website. Our goal is that students will hear and read these stories (told in a variety of languages like Spanish, Vietnamese, Khmer, Nepalese, etc.) that represent our community and that educators will use them as literacy events in their classroom. We believe this is a more authentic way of learning as opposed to professionally published text from publishers like Pearson."

wOrds from Mr. amezola

"My advice is that people who want more technology funding should think about the "why" first before asking for money. If your intent is genuine, you are more likely to receive what you want. "

The Take Away

If we want funding for our schools, teachers and school leaders should look into grants that offer them the funding. You will have a better chance at being awarded a grant if you have a clear and valid point as to why your school should get it. In the interview with Mr. Amezola, he shared that, "if endorsers see your vision, they’re likely to help you out." Instead of just saying you need money for technology, explain exactly what you’ll do with that money. For instance you could say you will buy laptops for students, cameras, tablets and iPads so that students will be able to <<insert amazing work here>>.

Some questions that now come to mind are: What other grants are out there? And how hard will students and faculty work to get them?