Does your opinion vary on Equality when you work the courts?

By: Jordyn Williams December 7, 2018

Are we equal in the eyes of the law? the view from A court clerk's seat

Interview with Ms Lisa Corbitt, Court Clerk

Work experience

How long have you been a court clerk ?

18 and 1/2 years but almost a year ago I got promoted, and now I work with three other people managing the court clerks. They all have different jobs and she specializes in DUI's.

Private VS. PUblic

Is there a difference between having a public defender or having a legal team?

"Public defenders are sometimes better than Private lawyers and Private lawyers are sometimes better than Public defenders," Ms.Corbitt expressed. She explained that it depends on who you get. Public defenders are 100% overworked but that does not mean they don't do all they can for their clients.

Is Anybody 100% innocent ?

Ms. Corbitt says the best argument wins but nobody is 100% innocent. Many defendants lose due to not telling their lawyer everything, but if they were forthcoming with the whole story, maybe it would have been a different outcome.

In 2018 are we all equal under the eyes of the law Including celebs ?

Are we all equal under the eyes of the law?

"I hope we are, I hope we are," she said repeatedly. "I mean we're suppose to be."

And what about celebrities? Are they all equal under the eyes of the law?

"I don't think they are based on what I have seen. I have seen celebrities get out of a crime a regular person would not."

My Conclusion

About 70 years ago the United Nations decided to write a declaration of rights for all human beings. But what stood out to me was that we are Equal under the eyes of the law. What does that mean for us in this generation? To get an opinion of someone who is not biased and sees it everyday in her 9-5, I chose to talk to my Aunt, Lisa Corbitt who is a court clerk in Philadelphia Court system. After reading this article, I want you to understand for all people of color, especially black people, we have come a long way. But this fight is not over.