Fighting each other or fighting back?

By: Jordyn Williams 9/20/18 and 10:21

Photo credit : Times website

¨When women work together, it´s a bond unlike any other.¨ - Victoria Principal

This bond can either be extremely beautiful to see or uncomfortable to watch, like Nicki Minaj and CardiB . Was their confrontation based on an actual problem with each other? Or was it based on society’s ruling that only one female can ¨win?"

Words of wisdom from Ms.Davis

Ms.Davis is one of the admission directors at Villanova University.

As a women in society today how do you feel?

“As a woman in this society I feel empowered but it’s not enough. As a black women I have far to go”

Being a woman of color, how do you feel we are portrayed in the media?

“ We can never be a victim. We always start the problem, or fight back, but when a white women does the same thing they are strong and empowered."

What did you think about Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka?

“I think Serena was justified, but I think she lost her cool. At the same time, she spoke her truth. And yet it took the win away from the other athlete.” Ms. Davis is referring to Naomi Osaka. “ Was it racial bias? Maybe. But was it discrimination to a woman? Yes. I follow tennis and I have seen many male tennis players, like John McEnroe expressing their frustrations with the ref and yet no punishment was given.”

Do you think it has something to do with colorism?

“Yes, it was a big colorism thing. Naomi is a woman of color but they didn't portray her as one. Some people want to just see her as a Japanese tennis player.”

How do you feel about the Nicki Minaj and Cardi B situation?

“Why there? You could have called, there is a time and place for everything.”

Do you think as women we need to talk more?

“Yes! Open and honest conversation without being upset or in your feelings. Go to the source if you have a problem not to everyone else. We gotta talk.”

Has competition helped us or has it set us back?

“We should be competing with ourselves not each other. We need to think less about what someone has that we lack. We should allow each other to be good in different fields. We are stronger in numbers.”

Photo credit : Creative commons

WhY DOes it matter to you ?

You should be aware of society trying to put women against each other, because they know together we are unstoppable. As women of color at Carver we have to talk; we need to be able to express how feel to one another. And never have to bite our tongue around people who don’t share the same struggle. If you need a safe space to talk about your frustration to someone who will understand, go to the counselors office. Or find some people in your lunch who can relate and just be open and honest in that moment, knowing that this person could never use that information against you because they have experienced the same. What we learned from this investigation is that “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” - Edward Everett Hale.