Student interviews

Fatima Rabihi - 17 year old Youth Journalist , Senior at E&S

Agung Putra

Fatima Rabihi: What is your favorite book that you read in school? For pleasure? Why are these book meaningful to you?

Agung Putra : My favorite book that I have read in school is The Kite Runner. I like to read autobiographies of political idols. I am currently reading What Happened by Hillary Clinton. The Kite Runner is a story of adventure and that is alway fun to read, sometimes better than the movies. I like to read all sorts of genre as long as they are interesting and a page-turner. Reading personal stories of political figures shows how regular these public servants can be.

Fatima Rabihi: What would be your favorite moments in school and outside of school so far?

Agung Putra : My favorite moments in school are the nice lunch discussions I have with my friends. We talk about our favorite and laughable memorable moments from our freshman year to now. My favorite moments outside of school are attending school events like the basketball game.

Fatima Rabihi: Describe a time you felt very challenged. How did you overcome this challenge?

Agung Putra: I had to deal with a lot last year. My classes were difficulties and I had extracurriculars to do after school. This did not prevent from me completing it all with the best of my abilities. I also made time for everything and in the end it worked out.

Fatima Rabihi : What advice would you give someone younger coming to E&S?

Agung Putra: Take the challenging classes and discover what you love. Make sure you do every assignment to the best of your abilities because it will work out in the end.

Fatima Rabihi: What are your plans for activities in our school this year?

Agung Putra: I am the president of the High School Democrats. I am the parliamentarian of the National Honor Society. I am a political journalist for the Carver Times.

Fatima Rabihi: How would you like to help our world?

Agung Putra: There are a lot of problems in the world. One issue that is global and unavoidable is climate change. I want the world to work together to put an end to climate change.

Fatima Rabihi: What's so special about Philadelphia? Is there any other place you would like to see?

Agung Putra : Philadelphia’s history is unique by itself. I like the fact that everywhere I want to go is accessible. I would like to travel the world, I want to be a cosmopolitan.

Fatima Rabihi : What new shows , albums, games, or movies are you looking forward to?

Agung Putra: Any shows that friends recommend is what. I have nothing to look forward to.

Fatima Rabihi: If you could use one emoji for the rest of high school, what would it be?

Agung Putra: 😂

Aseel Talouli

Fatima Rabihi: What is your favorite book that you read in school? For pleasure? Why are these book meaningful to you?

Aseel Talouli: I like the book The Outsiders that I read in my English class in seventh grade since the story was very well-written and it the characters captured my heart. I have a lot of favorite books that I’ve read outside of school but one I really enjoyed was The Hunger Games because the storyline was captivating and I simply couldn’t put the book down.

Fatima Rabihi: What would be your favorite moments in school and outside of school so far?

Aseel Talouli: I really enjoy the moments when my friends and I sit around, just joking and playing around. I like reading in my free time outside of school.

Fatima Rabihi: Describe a time you felt very challenged. How did you overcome this challenge?

Aseel Talouli: Having a lot of homework challenges me sometimes. I manage my time better to avoid being stuck in that situation.

Fatima Rabihi : What advice would you give someone younger coming to E&S?

Aseel Talouli: Students coming into E&S should know that some classes can be really challenging and they need to be ready for that.

Fatima :What do you plan to take part of in our school this year?

Aseel Talouli: I’m part of the volleyball team and I play Quizbowl.

Fatima Rabihi :How would you like to help our world?

Aseel Talouli: I want to be able to help people all around the world that are devastated by poverty and war some day.

Fatima Rabihi: What's so special about Philadelphia? Is there any other place you would like to see

Aseel Talouli: Philadelphia is practically the birthplace of America, which makes it really special. I want to see the whole world.

Fatima Rabihi: What new shows , albums, games, or movies are you looking forward to?

Aseel Talouli: I’m always waiting for a new episode of Riverdale to come on as well as my favorite artists to come out with new music.

Fatima Rabihi: What's on your shopping list at the moment?

Aseel Talouli: New earbuds since my current ones only have one ear that works.

Fatima Rabihi:If you could use one emoji for the rest of high school, what would it be?

Christina Truesdale:😂

Christina TruesdalE

Fatima Rabihi: What is your favorite book that you read in school? For pleasure? Why are these book meaningful to you?

Christina Truesdale: My favorite book was The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. This was my favorite book because the character changed his life by actually trying to do something with his life then staying on the rez. He has grown to be a person who just wants to better himself and his future.

Fatima Rabihi: What would be your favorite moments in school and outside of school so far?

Christina Truesdale: I have all these amazing friends at school and I have dance classes that I could focus on instead of school.

Fatima Rabihi: Describe a time you felt very challenged. How did you overcome this challenge?

Christina Truesdale: I had to write a memoir for school but I didn’t know what to write about. I went to my family members to see if they had any ideas about what I could write about that had a lesson. Everyone gave me great ideas that helped me figure out what I wanted to do in the end.

Fatima Rabihi: What advice would you give someone younger coming to E&S?

Christina Truesdale: This is a very challenging school. I believe that if you try your hardest then you will be able to exceed this school's priorities.

Fatima Rabihi: What do you plan to take part of in our school this year?

Christina Truesdale : I might plan on running track because I get a lot of people that ask if I run for a living. I want to respond to people with a yes this time when they ask.

Fatima Rabihi: How would you like to help our world?

Christina Truesdale: I am tired of seeing littering on the ground which is why me and my mom are trying to get our neighbors to help clean our block.

Fatima Rabihi: What's so special about Philadelphia? Is there any other place you would like to see?

Christina Truesdale: I have yet to see the Liberty Bell in Center City. I want to see the Bell because I always hear good things about it. I also want to see the Declaration of Independence because It is something special that we had for a long time.

Fatima Rabihi : What's on your shopping list at the moment?

Christina Truesdale: My shopping list is just new clothes and maybe some games for my systems. I don’t really want anything this year.

Fatima Rabihi: If you could use one emoji for the rest of high school, what would it be?

Christina Truesdale :😜