The Truth About Recruiting

By: Bhashyr Akinwande

March 27, 2019

I’m here to talk about a new project of mine that I have been working on. The topic deals within the realm of high schools sports and student athletes. I have had fun working on this. This topic interests me because I loves sports and am an athlete as well. I talk about schools and a big problem that can serve as a huge problem for sport teams within schools. I hope that students and student athletes hear this, as it could involve them. I share some of my thoughts and ideas about the topic. It was hard to research this issue, though. I had to do a lot of research to find articles on my topic. Once I found some articles that included my topic, I tried my best weigh both of the sides to base my judgement on the problem. I have also reached out to people to help me in my investigation. Some have responded and you will know their part, and some declined to help. Sports are fun to watch and can create a lot of school pride and help schools out. The issue that I cover can ruin schools' team and hurt school sport programs. This can affect all sports like football, soccer, basketball, and others. The bottom line is that it leaves the playing field unbalanced and unfair for schools. Listen to the podcast where I share my honest opinion, and I interview people about the subject. Like I said, I put a lot of time into this, so I hope that you enjoy my investigation and find my topic very interesting.

Get those headphones out so you can listen to the podcast here:

Who's Recruiting.mp3