Temple take over

By: Nasirah Bailey November 4, 2018

is our community being taken over?

I have lived in North Philadelphia for the majority of my life and I’ve seen many blocks transform right before my eyes. Specifically, in my neighborhood, Temple has been building new buildings and athletic fields, whilst demolishing old structures to create them. From the outside looking in on my neighborhood, you’d see families moving out and Temple students just moving in, but is that really what is happening? My earlier years in my community, we were predominately Black. But now, majority of my neighbors are Temple students. Is Temple taking over North Philadelphia?

This affects you too

This is not just affecting me, this is affecting everyone in the North Philadelphia area where Temple is basically taking over. Over the years, Temple has been building new structures like apartments and even athletic fields. But this is only benefitting Temple and its students. Temple has also been planning to build a football stadium at Norris and Broad Streets. Will this stadium give back to the community or just contribute to the Temple takeover already in progress?

Promises Promises

Just look at the N 13th and Master Streets. Temple bought William Penn High School in 2014 and transformed it to house athletic facilities. To get community support for the fields, Temple promised a job training center on the site, but it's still not there. Former schools like William Penn become dangerous eye-sores, but the community had strong ties to the former public school. Now, there are fewer and fewer public spaces in North Philadelphia.


Interview with my Aunt

How long have you been living in your neighborhood in North Philadelphia? “21 years”

When you first moved to this neighborhood, what was the predominant race and age? Is it the same today?“It was mostly African Americans and older folks. Some of the people that were here when I got here are still here, but a lot of new people, Temple students took it all up.”

What percent of your new neighbors in the past few years do you think are Temple students? “New neighbors? If you mean new neighbors and not just neighbors in general I’d say 100%. Everyone that isn’t a student already lived here.”

In North Philadelphia how often is it you see Temple building a new structure or remodeling an old one? “Every time I turn around it’s something new being built. I guess often then.”

Do you believe temple is taking over your community? “From what I see, yes.”

What's next

Is Temple taking over North Philadelphia? What does this mean for the citizens of Philadelphia who are not Temple students? Will our homes be targeted next? These are questions that need to be looked into. We do not hold the answers just yet. If the Temple football stadium plan is put into action, our questions may be answered.