What's The Future of Health and wellness ?

By: Jordyn Williams

May 3, 2019

Not another wellness story; this is our story

I don't want this to just be another wellness improvement story written by some random journalist in their 30’s speaking to us on how we need to make a change or were doomed. So this is story is whole hearted written myself a sixteen year old carver student. And WE HAVE TO DO BETTER!

You may think that drinking and using drugs is an escape from reality and into a better space and time but all it is a crutch. It gives you a way to not pay attention to problems that are straight ahead. But before you make this chose to drink or smoke think of why? Why are you doing this? Peer pressure, to escape or even to kill the noise. At the rate we're going we have improved in drinking as well as smoking cigarettes but in the vaping and smoking marijuana we have yet to see a change.

“It's okay to feel unstable.It's okay to dissociate . It’s okay to hide from the world. It's okay to need help. Its okay not to be okay. Your mental health is not a personal failure.”

To keep us from taking this step we must acknowledge that our mental health is important and make that our main focus. Our generation has a lot to offer this world but if we continue to hide or emotions from ourselves and others we will not make a mark. At this rate we have not improved and for the betterment of ourselves and those who come after us we need to be more open on how we feel.

"If we only said safe sex, Use a condom,we won't stop the spread of Aids in this country."

-Thabo Mbeki South African Politician

Without talking about sex and contraceptives and pushing annotations instead of educating we are failing each other. Ever teen should be well informed on what would happen if your having unprotected sex. And not just the possible pregnancy but all sexually transmitted diseases. At the rate we are going out now our generation we have improved on

Our health, our future

In conclusion we know how important our all around health is but we need to inform others to make sure we all are on the same page. Don't be ashamed to ask for help because we can achieve more together. The future of our health and wellness is all on us. We get to decide how we rise and fall.