We are Here

By: Nia Caldwell 11/30/18

Growing up as a young woman I’ve encountered plenty of situations where I have been catcalled. It can be flattering depending on who it comes from but at the same time it can be extremely uncomfortable. I remember a time I was walking home from the bus stop and as I made my way down the street, a car drove by then slowed down. As I attempted to cross the street the car pulled into reverse nearly hitting me, all to prevent me from crossing the street. The windows rolled down and group of guys peered out the window. I was terrified, even after I told them I was not interested they continued to pursue me. Catcalling and sexual harassment can cause fear and it can be the cause of long term affects.

Catcalling and sexual harassment has been a factor in many women’s lives for years. It has impacted their day to day life and can often times stand as a threat. A nonprofit website known as Stop Street Harassment conducted an online survey that discovered that 81 percent of women and 43 percent of men have experience sexual harassment in there lifetime. This information is based off of one survey !

Sexual harassment has been around for years and continues to affect girls as young as 11 years old. People have taken to social media, one of the best ways to spread news in modern day, to create a trend in October of 2017 known as #MeToo. This created a movement that lead to millions of women speaking out against sexual abuse and sexual harassment

This movement marked the beginning of an era that lacks fear about speaking out against circumstances that have been ignored for decades and still go without being seen. Being afraid to lead normal lives is a burden and has resulted in women coming up with ways to maneuver around harassers. Headphones in to make it seem to give the illusion that they can not hear the calls of "Hey baby", "Smile shawty" , and "Why so serious? Smile." Phone to ear, putting on your best acting to imitate a conversation with a friend. For some even calling someone just to ensure a safe walk home.

I can not write a proper conclusion until women are treated with respect, until women's voices are heard and not ignored. Our voices are here and won't be going anywhere.