Rise of Gun Violence - Why?


By: Heavenlea Yenser

Photo Credit: Cory M. Grenier

An insight into just how horrible gun violence has been in America.

It’s been very apparent that the rise of gun violence has become out of control. Every day on the news, we hear reports of yet another shooting has taken place here in America. This investigation focuses on a deeper look into why exactly this is happening. Is the root of the problem America? Is it the society we live in?

Photo Credit: Vince Reinhart

With the help of activism from our generation today, we can make a change.

During this investigation, several people have been interviewed to gain a better understanding as to how guns have impacted our life as Americans and even non-Americans. Many tensions have risen while discussing this topic. School shootings, views on the NRA, and debates if the 2nd Amendment should be updated were brought into question among those interviewed. We see anti-gun perspectives and pro-gun perspectives in the interviews.

What first got you into guns?

When I was growing up we always went hunting, which sparked my interest because I loved the feeling of having something so powerful in my hands. It gives you a big rush through your body.

Why do you think gun violence has become such an issue?

I believe in this day and age, people don’t know how to deal with their emotions, so violence is their go to answer.

Being a firm believer in guns, how do the mass shootings make you feel?

People usually think because I like guns, that I don’t care about these shootings. Of course I feel sympathy for those who lost their lives, but I also don’t think it’s guns that are the problem. It’s the stupidity of the person behind the gun.

What do you think can be done to end all of this?

I think we should take extra cautious measures to make sure guns don’t get into the hands of the wrong person.