How does fake news affect the political decisions of citizens?

In today’s political environment, fake news can be misleading for those that are politically active, and engaged in political decisions.

Politics has always appeared to be somewhat shady over the past, but in today's society it presents itself as shadier than ever, as fake news seems to lurk anywhere humans interact. Major social media platforms, such as facebook , host the disease that is fake news. In fact, fake news and social media almost go hand in hand, as falsehoods spread faster on social media than the truth itself.

Unfortunately, fake news in social media can affect real-life political decisions. The way fake news in social media affects real-life is bigger than politics in a way. Big I.T firms, such as Cambridge Analytica, collect data from various social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), and they distribute this data into the hands of those that can heavily impact the outcome of users' political decisions. However, despite the credible signs of its existence, people argue that fake news does not exist. Unfortunately, some cannot differentiate between fake news and the truth. This is one of the reasons why it spreads so fast, especially on social media.

Fake news as a weapon in politics

As people in the United States are being fed lies, outside forces not in our own United States instigate and initiate the feeding of such lies. At first the people of the United States were not aware of this, until certain investigations, and other events took place. Going back to Cambridge Analytica, I want to point out that this I.T company is a foreign company (British political consulting company). It harvested 50 million facebook profiles in a data breach. This data eventually ended up in the hands of former Trump adviser Steve Bannon. And Mr Bannon may have used this to give Donald Trump an advantage in the presidential election. This just shows that fake news is not just a mere national political threat. It is now an international threat.

Mainstream media fallacies

Fake news is not only present in social media, but also in mainstream news, on platforms such as Fox News and CNN. This makes it harder to differentiate the truth from the fib, and can most likely present the fib as the truth. But the harder truth is that some mainstream news outlets (online included) are aware of the lies they produce, and are intentionally doing so.


In the following interview, I wanted to interview anyone that was either politically active and engaged or knowledgable about politics. This includes those not able to vote yet. So I decided to interview my mother and my fellow Carver student Micah Canty.

Interview with my mother

Who did you vote for in the presidential election? And did social media play a role in your choice?

To this question my mother replied “Hillary Clinton,” and she went on to state that her choice to vote for Hillary Clinton “was not influenced by any social media."

Are you aware that information about you has been collected and used to politically influence you and others?

My mother stated that she was “unaware, about this.”

Have you encountered fake news? And if yes, where?

My mother replied to this question stating, “Yes. A few times on social media and even on tv news.”

Can you distinguish between fake news, and truthful news?

My mother replied saying, “Not always, but I can differentiate if it’s on a subject I’m aware about.”

Micah Canty's interview

Although Micah Canty, is not yet at the voting age, many of us know how knowledgable and educated he is in many different areas. Including that of fake news and politics.

Considering the current political environment of today. How do you think fake news plays a role in the political decisions of citizens?

Micah: I think fake news plays a role, in what the everyday citizen thinks about their opposing party, whether Republican or Democrat. Fake news also generalizes stereotypes, and causes different stereotypes. And it makes it hard to see people for who they actually are.

Do you think that fake news had anything to do with Donald Trumps election?

Micah: Yes it did, but it wasn't the reason why he won. Fake news is in every election.

Do you yourself trust in your ability to differentiate between fake news?

Micah: I would say for the most part yes.

Fake Everything

As people in the United States are being fed lies, outside forces not in our own United States instigate and initiate the feeding of such lies. At first the people of the United States were not aware of this, until certain investigations, and other events took place. Going back to Cambridge Analytica, I want to point out that this I.T company is a foreign company(British political consulting company) that harvested 50 million facebook profiles, in a data breach. This data eventually ended up in the hands of former Trump adviser Steve Bannon. And Mr Bannon may have used this to give Donald Trump and advantage in the presidential election. This just shows, that fake news is not just a mere national political threat. It is now an international threat.