treated equal before the law

By: Tahqui Peterson December 7, 2018

Rights to the people?

As Americans, we hold certain values and one of them is that everyone is treated equally before the law. The question is, is this true to the citizens of America? Some would say its not, because discrimination is just as prevalent in courtrooms as it is in our everyday lives. What are some solutions that give rights back to those who are born with them? One solution for young teens, in particular those charged with minor crimes, is youth court. Another way to make sure Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is true for all convicted of a felon is to restore voting rights to them.

Youth Court

This is one way to ensure youth who are charged with minor crimes are treated equally and judged by a jury of their peers.

Voting rights for felons

This is one step closer to ensuring that after you serve your time, you are able to have an active voice in our democracy. This ammendment was passed in Florida in November.

interview coming soon: stay tuned

Should everyone deserve a equal chance before a judge or jury? Our constitution says that they should. Some would say that this isn't what’s really happens though. We see that a lot of the time Blacks, especially men are given harsh treatment.

Do you feel like all citizens all equal before the law?

No, that's what the law says but that's not what we practice.

If not , why is this ?

Because people in high government positions dont believe this . If they did they'd help minorities in some situations.

Who gets the better treatment before judges?

I feel like white people who have money or prominent whites in general. They seem to be the ones who are always off the hook.

What can be done to ensure rights to people?

laws can be changed and government officials listen to citizens. All of them not just their own people. They have to meet minorities needs.

Making a change

If we want equality, we must make changes for it.

If we would like to ensure equality before to law to everyone we need to make this problem known to the public. Instead of turning our backs to youth in the Black community , we should find a way to uplift them. Minor charges should not have negative impacting effects on their lives. Florida's move to ensure voting rights for felons is another step closer to equality under the law.

For Carver students, this means that we should actively express how we feel about the penalties that our peers could possibly get. We should think of systems that could help students instead of possibly have negative effects on their future .