How ready are we?

By: Dayana Shomo

May 3, 2019

Semper paratus?

What would adults change to prepare themselves for college life, if they knew what they know now? Ask an adult what they wished someone would have told them before they were pushed into the adult life. Were kids back then being prepared for the future? Are kids feeling prepared for the future now? Society has not prepared us to think about these philosophical questions. What does it mean to be prepared? What does it mean to work? What brings you joy? Do you want to prepare yourself for a job or for a profession?

Youth Truth Survey

My peers and I aren’t feeling so good when it comes to facing the real world. 45% actually feel less than hopeful about the readiness it takes to be successful in college and future careers.

As the data said, my friends and I really feel lukewarm about being prepared college life. The message we get from adults, counselors, and others is mostly just....

"you need to know what you want to do. You need to know where you want to go to study that."

I talked to my mother, Jenna Shomo. My mom always volunteers to drop some jewels on me about life. She says things like, "the jewels I drop on you are ones I wish someone told me." She does drop some pearls of wisdom about doing what you want to do in life and beware of people. I always wonder if she feels like school is preparing kids today or back then for college and adulting.


When you attended school, how did they prepared you for college and life as a adult ?

Mom: They prepared me for college and not really the real world. They just told us back then to go to college and about what careers we should have or what to really after college

Do you think school today are preparing kids today for college and life as an adult?

Mom: Yes I do believe so. I mean there are schools like yours that are really there to prepare kids for college and life as an adult.

So the Answer is....

Schools now and then don´t really prepare kids for the future. My mom's generation was just told "go to college" and nothing else. And they are still on that "go to college" train. But the thing is, my generation at Carver is preparing for a life in STEM and such. But there are only so many engineers and doctors needed in the world. So now, we are still not prepared for the world. We are prepared for the future of college- but nothing else. We may be ready to go on but beyond that as the data said 45% of us aren't really ready.