The Legitimacy of Traffic Stops

Steven D. Ramsey Jr.


The police. Those who swear to uphold and protect. Are they serious about that though?

A few notes I gathered while putting together my podcasts.

An example of our neighborhoods. This is where we live, work, and play. We should feel safe here, but the protectors attack us. Shameful.

  • It’s both a popular sound and a popular sight to see if you're living in the city of Philadelphia; the flashing of police sirens and the sight of them pulling someone over. It’s only an example of the larger overlying issue going on and it’s shameful that this happens. I know what you’re thinking; “Wait, so it’s a shame to uphold the law?” Of course not. In fact, that’s exactly what’s supposed to be happening in this country and every other country in the world. So then what’s the problem?! Allow me to explain it to you.
  • What happens when a group of people who swear to uphold the law and protect the people up and decide to both violate the law and turn on the very people they swore to protect? What’s happening now, that’s what. People are unnecessarily killed, and unfairly treated based upon discrimination and hatred. The ‘traffic stop’ is one of your main examples of this and it is also the topic I’m going to be focusing on. People have become afraid of being pulled over by the police and this is unfortunately has become a reasonable fear. Why? Maybe it’s because black and latin x citizens are more likely to be pulled over and get a ticket or be put under arrest than white people.
  • So how legit are traffic stops in the city of Philadelphia? People can say that they are upholding the law or that they are doing what is righteous, but people can always have ulterior motives. From what I see, there are quite a few ulterior motives happening in America, ranging from race, to gender, to political and religious ideals and more. When being pulled over, I believe that this is more centered towards the race of the individual in question. Either way, it still happens and needs to be both address and dealt with after the matter. So then, let's get into it; Exactly how legitimate are the traffic stops that happen in the city of Philadelphia? Are they legitimate at all, or is there some sort of underlying, ulterior motive in a portion of them? To find out a bit more about The Legitimacy of Traffic Stops and what I found out, check out my podcast coming in the first week of April.