Periods are Normal

By Nia Caldwell

Normalizing periods starts with educating children in school. When you teach children what menstruation is ranging from what happens during the process to how to care after it, enables further understanding for them as they get older. Girls should never have to feel embarrassed about something that they are unable to control. Something that is as normal a breathing. Yet the unconscious response to hide pads from boys and men is so ingrained that we do it without even realizing. Boys should know just as much about periods as girls do. Choosing to not teach them about periods only causes the inability to discuss them without it being awkward as adults. It should not be that way. Having knowledge on everyone bodies only allows for a better understanding of everyone. This podcast will pertain to menstruation in schools. I will conduct a series of interviews with students and faculty members, picking their brains on the “awkward” topic of periods.

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