Do you have high expectations for me?

she does!

By: Keyziah McCoy November 4, 2018 North Philly in my bloodstream, (South west) from my dad's genes. - Meek Mill. King Combs. Social Media

the one decision: School choice

From Kindergarten to 8th grade I went to a well known charter school with a very diverse community. Now, on my way home from school I walk past Duckrey, a predominantly black elementary school. I grew up in the same neighborhood as students that attend Duckrey, but my mom made the decision to seek out an education for me outside of my neighborhood school. She knew that “Independence Charter School had more opportunities and a better education.” However, what I’m sure she didn’t know is it would change the way I view education.

It only takes one person

You’re lucky if you ever meet that one teacher that changes your entire educational experience, I was lucky enough to have met her in eighth grade. I interviewed her to show how important it is that all students get that special teacher that truly believes in them.

profile of Teacher Kemi

Do you use different teaching methods when working with kids of different races? If so what?

"No, I don't use different techniques based on race. Each student is unique and have different preferences that may not have anything to do with race. I use different techniques with students based on my relationship and understanding of the student's needs."

As a teacher of color herself, I saw how she went out of her way for me. She helped me write an amazing speech that was chosen to be read at graduation. She helped me write my high school essay and I was accepted into the top ranked schools in Philadelphia.

Has there been any time where you feel like if you would have did more for a particular student, they would have succeeded more?

"Yes, I occasionally feel I could have done more for particular students. However, the efforts of a teacher are not always enough to produce successful students. I try my hardest to ensure students are getting everything they need. I also make sure that I am always prepared to teach. Leading by example has been a big motivator for my students."

This is all true. She guided me to finding my true self and made me realize how much potential I had.

Have you ever worked in an all black school? If so how is different than ICS?

"I have worked at an all Black school. In all the Black schools I have worked at, there was no immersion program or focus on global citizenship. The school did not have the same resources. For example, I did not have access to a curriculum, a computer cart in my classroom, and the funds to request books for my library. My students also did not attend a trip every month. However, I have found that the staff was still very committed to teaching to the best of their ability."

If I went to the school around the corner, instead of taking the 45 minute bus ride to Independence Charter (ICS), I would not have been exposed to any of this. I know that having her for a teacher at ICS was important to me. It was important for my identity as a Black girl in a diverse school.

Do you think is it important to have a black teacher in a school that has little to no black students?

"It is extremely important for students to be exposed to a diverse school population of students and teachers alike. One of my biggest struggles at ICS was having students adjust to my presence in their classroom. I believe that students grow as individuals because of their exposure to people and ideas outside of their comfort zone. So, yes, having a Black teacher in a school with little to no Black students is necessary!"

Do you think students at the same school but that are of different races have the same opportunities education wise?

"Absolutely not! Schools are operated as a business, so schools that have access to funding typically can provide more resources for their students."

Do you think success is based on the type of teacher, the school, or the individual person?

"Success is based on the individual person. However, the right school and teacher makes a difference in each student's success. Schools and teachers motivate students."

Taking action

After interviewing Tr.Kemi, I wondered why it is that all students would not have the tools and opportunities they need to succeed. How can we make sure every student has equal opportunities when it comes to education and make it so we all can be successful? We can’t make a teacher care about a student, but we can care about them ourselves. What’s stopping us from inspiring other kids on our own? We can volunteer at these schools and even mentor kids. For most people, it only takes one person to believe in them, and just for one person to genuinely care about them. You can be that person!