What's so special about Special education?

By: Fulani Bah 3/27/19

What's so special about Special education?

Education is something that we are extremely privileged to have. The fact that some people are still denied access to a fair and equal opportunity because of factors such as race, class, gender, religion, and ability are especially saddening. The fact that I go to a “special admissions” school with extraordinarily smart, well-achieving students is just more icing on the cake.

With these privileges, I’ve decided to see what differences other schools may have from mine. More specifically, a ‘special admissions, barrier free’ school.

Curious? I know I would be.

Special Education has been around for decades, but has more recently established its policies around the safety and well-being for its students and staff.

So… What makes special education so special? Or different from our schools?

To find out more about special education, and to hear an interview with Ms. Cozette Ferron, a former special education teacher and administrator, listen down below, or click the picture above!

Special Ed Podcast - Fulani Bah.mp3