Inalienable Rights

By: Steven Ramsey December 7, 2018

Rights, not privileges

Naturally, even before civilization, humans were instilled with natural human rights. In 1948, the United Nations passed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a declaration in which each Human Right was clearly defined and inalienable. Since the passage of this Declaration, however, some governments and groups have attempted to forever steal away the rights of others all around the world. Human Rights are still being taken. We can not allow this to continue on.

definING inalienable rights

As human beings, we are entitled to be treated in a proper and acceptable manner. The overall defining point in this concept is that there are some treatments that we should be receiving from those in power as well as those around us. These treatments are called our Human Rights. Human Rights define exactly how we are to be treated, what we should naturally and without question be allowed to do in our existence, and a list of other matters relating to this. The United Nations, after the World War II, came up a list of thirty of our basic human rights that consist of things we should not be subjected to and things that we should naturally receive and be given. This document is known as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The thirtieth of these rights is that no one can or is allowed to take away these rights in which belong to us. Yet and still, all around the world, we can see people being treated outside of what the Declaration says we as people should be treated. Doesn't this mean that our rights are being unjustly taken away from us?

what's the REAL problem?

Many people really just do not know about or know enough about the rights that they are naturally born with, despite who they are, where they come from, or anything else of the sort. Is this lack of knowledge the fault of private citizens, or is this the fault of the governments which have power over us? Either way, we need to step up and improve at what we are already failing at. The interest of the people is what should be in mind, not the selfish intent to gain money, supporters, fame, or anything else for that matter. People do not really internalize the fact that they are instilled with these natural human rights, and the people in powerful positions do not express to the people that they have these rights, worrying too much about making money, gaining support to remain in some position of respect and power, or even just their ego. That is problematic. That is shameful, and it must have a stop put to it.

Human rights in the Carver community

Both students and Staff at Carver are all citizens of this world, and all are sentient and competent human beings. Therefore, we as humans are all naturally entitled to the rights defined to us by our world governments. So in that case, should it be found that our rights are being neglected or taken away when it is clearly defined that this is not allowed, then we have the right to stand, say something, and stake our claim for what is wrong and why things need to be corrected. It is important for this community and the ones linked to it to be informed of their rights, to exercise their rights, and to stand up for their rights, should the time ever come where this were ever required.

Interview information

I asked a series of questions to people who either had a hands on experience with being neglected some right or that knew a thing or two relating to people not having their rights or their rights being neglected to them. These are the answers that I was provided with.


Abigail Brown - The Right To Not Be Discriminated Against

1. Do you know what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is in the first place and what it does for you? If so, how did you hear about it?

I don't exactly know what it does for me but I do know that...

2. Did you know that you had the right to not be discriminated against according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

No, I did not.

3. What is your experience with the right that you were neglected or that you know a person or people are neglected?

I had hip surgery and me constantly dealing with pain, I was not moving as fast and it was difficult to move around in general, so I would be marked late to classes even when it took me about five minutes to get on the elevator and walk to class.

4. How were you and how are other people effected by being neglected this right that they are naturally instilled with?

Most people can't tell when a person is dealing with something and they never even consider it and just assume "You don't need help." or "You don't really have a problem.". That affects the person psychologically as they are trying to deal with their problem and what people are saying and doing to or about them. That ends up hurting them more than what the original problem did to them.

5. Do you believe that the world governments have really even care about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights since it was established? If so, what are examples that contribute to how you think? If not, what contributes to this thought?

No I do not believe so, an example being that people are discriminated against for things like housing or attempting to get a bank loan. Due to what your race is, you may not get this thing that you need even though it is rightfully offered to you. People are also seeking asylum in other countries such as the U.S. and they don't receive it, denying them a proper standard of living. Things like that lead to the death of innocent people.

6. What can be done to make the lives of humans better considering the rights that they are naturally instilled with?

7. Why is it important for a person to know and to have their rights as a human being living on this planet?

Steven Ramsey Sr. - The Right To A Good Standard of Living

1. Do you know what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is in the first place and what it does for you? If so, how did you hear about it?

2. Did you know that you and other people had the right to a good standard of living according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

3. What is your experience with the right that you were neglected or that you know a person or people are neglected?

4. How were you and how are other people effected by being neglected this right that they are naturally instilled with?

5. Do you believe that the world governments have really even care about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights since it was established? If so, what are examples that contribute to how you think? If not, what contributes to this thought?

6. What can be done to make the lives of humans better considering the rights that they are naturally instilled with?

7. Why is it important for a person to know and to have their rights as a human being living on this planet?

Considering future investigations

What is any of the information we find right now going to mean for journalists in the future investigating the same topic? In the future, studies on human rights can reflect upon what was going on right now in 2018 and what will be going on at the time they are investigating. People will have seen the impact that these investigations have caused for future journalists and those wishing to look into studies on human rights. These investigations inspire people to look into human rights more, as well as do something about when these rights are being neglected or protected and how that status has developed.