Exploring health and Wellness for our future

By: Keyziah McCoy

May 6, 2019

Wellness knows no boundaries

When you think of wellness, there’s no boundaries. Wellness is huge topic. By focusing on the connection between mental and sexual health, young people can bring wellness into focus for the future.

No Condom? No Problem?

This survey shows that today’s youth doesn’t necessarily see a problem with not using condoms or other contraception. It's hard to use protection every single time but it's something we absolutely have to do in order to limit the amounts of unwanted pregnancy and STDs.

Word on the street

How does your mental health affect you daily?

It prevents me from creating longs lasting bonds with other human beings.

Do you feel like you get enough help with your mental illness?

No, because I feel like I can’t talk to everybody about it especially my family.

It stood out that this friend of mine doesn’t feel comfortable talking about her mental health with her family. I know that in the Black community it is common for mental illnesses to be ignored by families. Mental illness is often seen as a sign of weakness or vulnerability. Because of this, our black youth tends to stuff our feelings down which keeps us from getting the help we need.

The future is now for us

One therapy group in Philadelphia is trying to change access to mental health care for my community. The Ladipo Group has " proudly served our Black and African-American community with couples, individual, and family therapy services since 2004." They give a safe space for people in the Black Community to be free to share their problems, something many of us don't have.

A good future starts with good health

As teens in our society it is imperative that we encourage each other to live our best lives possible. We need to make sure our future is bright. We a lot to offer as a generation but in order to get it all we need to have good health.