Academic Level System

During freshman and sophomore years, most core classes (English, math, science, and social studies) are taught at two or three levels. The Honors level is the most challenging and is available to students who meet the selection criteria (see "Placement in Advanced Placement and/or Honors Courses" under Policies link). The College Prep level is for students who plan to attend a traditional four-year college. The General level is for students who plan to enroll in a technical school after graduation. Students will be placed in College Prep or General level courses on the basis of performance in previous courses in the core subject area.

By the end of the sophomore year, students are expected to select one of three curricular paths: 1) complete rigorous college-prep classes, such as advanced math, lab science, social studies, and foreign language to prepare for admission to a traditional four-year college, 2) enroll in a Career Tech program, or 3) enroll in a Career Tech program and meet college-prep requirements con-currently. College prep students will continue in College Prep, Honors, and Advanced Placement courses. Career Tech students will either continue in General level academics or pursue college level academics in the areas in which they are qualified.