Early Graduation

Any student wishing to complete his/her formal high school education in an abbreviated program may do so by meeting the following procedural and educational requirements:

1. A student interested in early graduation must request an application from his/her school counselor. A student interested in early graduation should apply by the end of the first semester of his/her sophomore year so that proper guidance and assistance may be given to ensure that the student is able to qualify for early graduation.

2. A student may not apply for both early graduation and admission into a career/technical program. Admission into the vocational school implies a two-year commitment, whereas early graduation means the student has to complete only one more year of school before graduation.

3. Students who graduate become alumni of Lancaster High School. Therefore, they are not eligible for extracurricular activities.

4. Early graduation will be held in August, January, and June. A student who graduates under this policy shall have the option of participating in the next regular graduation exercises.

5. Early graduation is not automatically granted. Even though a student has fulfilled all the necessary graduation requirements, the student must still apply for approval to graduate under the early graduation policy.

Due to the varied educational options available to students, Lancaster City Schools encourages students to remain in school to complete requirements and graduate with their class.