Placement in Advanced Placement and/or Honors Classes

The Honors classes are in language arts, math, science and social studies. Honors and Advanced Placement course placement is dependent upon a student’s scores in the approved specific academic areas, which are: reading, math, science and social studies.

To be considered for Honors classes, students who do not automatically qualify will have the option for placement if they meet the following criteria:

  • The student must have received a final grade of an “A” in the previous year’s course.
  • The student must have scored Advanced or Accelerated (4 or 5) on the previous year’s state assessment in the subject area or correlated subject area (i.e. Reading = Social Studies, Math = Science).
  • If there are more requests than spaces, the students’ previous Achievement Tests scores will be used to make final decisions. (Tie Breaker)
  • Based on class size and course offerings, a student who meets the above criteria but is not an automatic qualifier is not insured placement in the course.

A student who has been identified as gifted (95 percentile) in the specific subject area on an assessment approved for use by the Ohio Department of Education will have automatic placement in the honors/advanced placement course.

A student who meets the criteria but does not have gifted identification is not insured placement in these courses.