Chemistry Advanced Placement

435 – Chemistry Advanced Placement – 1.5 credit

  • Full year – 1.5 Periods - Selected – Recommend Algebra II with a “B” or better and Chemistry (H or CCP) with a “B” or better - Grade 11, 12 – Fee for AP test

Chemistry Advanced Placement is designed for students who are considering careers in engineering or science. This course covers topics with emphasis in inorganic (kinetic, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, and equilibrium) chemistry. A major part of this course is devoted to laboratory exercises which are quantitative and qualitative in nature. For this reason class size is restrictive and selection is competitive. Students must have strong problem-solving skills and should be capable of analyzing data in order to draw sound scientific conclusions. This course is not necessarily a substitute for undergraduate chemistry; however, it should provide the student with the necessary background for success. Students will be expected to complete work outside of scheduled class time and to take responsibility for independent learning. Students must take the Chemistry Advanced Placement examination upon completion of this course.