Schedule Change Procedures

Schedules are the result of careful planning on the part of the student, parent, and counselor. Students are expected to keep the courses they select at registration. Staffing is dictated by student decisions and textbooks are purchased based on those decisions. Please carefully consider your course decisions before making choices. Consult with the teacher who will be instructing the course or students who have taken the course before deciding what class is right for you.

Changes will only be made if a student’s situation meets one of the following:

1. Student did not meet prerequisites for the course or has been inappropriately placed.

2. Student wishes to add a course to replace a study hall.

3. Student wishes to drop an elective for a study hall if they do not have any study halls scheduled.

4. Senior student needs to add a class in order to meet graduation requirements.

5. Special consideration and exceptions may be made in the case of an extended illness or unforeseen circumstance.

6. A student may withdraw from any course at any time if the student is suffering emotional trauma related to that particular course provided the following conditions are both met:

a. Parent or guardian presents a letter from a State licensed certified psychologist or psychiatrist, and

b. The principal approves, after a parent conference. W (withdraw) will be entered on the transcript for that particular course.

Requests to change elective courses must be submitted by June 1st. After that date, any request for an elective change not meeting the criteria above must come from the teacher.

All schedule change requests meeting the criteria above must be submitted using the schedule change request form and must be submitted within the first week of the semester for a yearlong or first semester course and within the first week of second semester for a second semester course. Level change requests must be initiated by the teacher and must be submitted by the end of the first report period. If a parent believes their child should be placed in a different course level, they should contact the teacher for discussion.

No schedule change is official unless:

1. The appropriate schedule change request for has been completed and signed by the student, parent, teacher(s) and counselor. This form will be submitted to the principal for approval.

2. Upon approval from the principal, the change is entered into the computer and the student is given a new schedule.

3. The student must attend classes in the current schedule and continue doing the assigned work until the counselor notifies the student and teachers that the change has been made. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action being taken for cutting classes.