Scott Weber

An athlete that excelled several sports, he was one of the Bulldogs all time great jumpers. The Bulldogs have a LONG list of outstanding track & field athletes, but according to the track & field guru’s, he was really special. He lettered eight times in his career as a Bulldog athlete; 2 in each basketball and cross country and 4 in track & field. He started breaking records his freshman year and never really stopped. He broke the long and triple jump records at nearly every meet he entered throughout his career as a Bulldog. Upon graduation held the ESD, Howard Wood, Madison Invite, and SD AAU records in the long and triple jumps just to name a few. In 1974 he set an new SDHSAA record in the triple jump of 46’ 4.5”, which is still the Bulldog record today. He culminated his brilliant career by winning the Class AA lon and triple jump at the state meet in 1974. Continuing on to college, he took his talents north to SDSU, with a scholarship in track and field and won the 1975 NCC outdoor triple jump championships as a freshman. Truly one of South Dakota’s great jumpers of all time

Inducted 2013