Maureen 'Green' Casey

Casey, a 1979 graduate in Madison, was a Top 10 State A Tournament golfer in her sophomore, junior and senior seasons, placing third in 1977, ninth in '78 and then second in '79. She and her fellow Lady Dogs were State A Tourney runners-up in that '79 season. Casey was a four-year most valuable player at MHS. She gained the respective of almost every golfer in the state, including her older brother, Dr. Larry Green of Madison. "She was a topnotch golfer who was a mentally-tough player," says Green. "For a very petite girl, she could hold her own with the best of them, including Kris Tschetter and Becky Larson, who later became LPGA pros." She also played basketball both in season and in intramurals. "I still can see her playing outside, shooting baskets until it was pitch-black," adds Green. Casey continued her talented golfing while attending Dakota State University, leading the Lady Trojans to a Region 6 AIAW Championship and advancing to the Nationals where they placed third. In doing so, she received distinction as an All-American.

Inducted 2001