INS Sant Elm - 2014

ÍNGRID DUCH ESPAÑA Tutora: Jordina Font


El meu treball de recerca tracta sobre un tema bastant parlat aquests darrers anys degut a diversos factors, com la crisi econòmica, que fa que moltes empreses hagin de recórrer i dur a terme unes bones maniobres per poder sobreviure en un mercat cada cop més competitiu.

Per poder subsistir-hi, és necessari que darrere de cada empresa s’hi amaguin unes estratègies que fan que l’empresa actuï d’una manera o altra. Al llarg del meu treball, he volgut mostrar totes aquelles anàlisis prèvies i necessàries abans d’implementar una estratègia i, comprovar realment si les estratègies assoleixen l’èxit, mostrant casos d’empreses reals que n’hagin aplicat i hagin destacat.

My research project focuses on a topic that has been much discussed in recent years due to several factors, such as the economic crisis, which obliges companies to put into action good tactics in order to survive in an increasingly competitive market.

In order to survive, it is necessary that every company has a few strategies behind it that make it act in one way or another. Over the course of my work, I wanted to show all the preceding, necessary analysis before implementing a strategy and check if strategies can really achieve success or not, showing cases of real companies which have applied strategies and been successful.