INS Puig Cargol - 2014


La meva família és de pagès, i moltes vegades m'he plantejat com devien viure els meus avantpassats i com ha canviat l'agricultura tant a casa meva com al poble on visc, a Calonge. Per això vaig decidir fer el meu Treball de Recerca sobre l'evolució de les masies del municipi, com ha canviat la seva explotació, si ha variat el nombre de masies on s'hi fa de pagès, si moltes han passat a ser hotels o segones residències, si han esdevingut ruïnes... Per poder obtenir resultats per afirmar o refutar les hipòtesis que em vaig plantejar, vaig agafar, en un principi, una mostra de 27 masies de Calonge (habitades, abandonades, en ruïnes, hotels...) i les vaig estudiar. També em va semblar interessant saber les condicions necessàries per edificar noves masies, l'activitat econòmica que generaven aquestes al poble i les conseqüències que causaven al medi ambient. Per això vaig parlar amb tres regidors i un arquitecte de l'Ajuntament de Calonge.

Finalment vaig treure algunes conclusions força sorprenents i d'altres que ja em suposava.

My family has a peasant farmer background and I have wondered many times how my ancestors used to live and how the agriculture has changed not only at home, but also in the town where I live, Calonge.That's the reason why I focused my Research Project on the evolution the country houses in the town have suffered algong the time, how its running has changed, if the number of country houses existing is the same and if these are still in use, are ruins or have been turned into hotels.To get my results, I took about 27 country houses from Calonge, some still in use, some which have become hotels and others which are in ruins, and I studied them. I also thought it would be interesting to learn about the conditions on building new country houses, the benefits one could get from them and the impact they had on the environment. To do so, I had a meeting with three councilors and an architect from the council town.

Finally, I got some interesting concusions, some of which were unexpected.
