Paying an international person for goods/services provided or created abroad

For guests engaging in their home nation with RISD travel courses OR providing a RISD department with services executed in their home nation: The department making the invitation requests that 1) the person completes and signs an affidavit attesting to their identity and their location during the engagement (see sample attached) and provides their banking information on the same form for wire transfer of their payment, 2) a W8BEN tax form (RISD must report to the federal government on all payments to foreign nationals and the tax form provides the evidence). 3) In addition, either the person or the department must provide an invoice.

The department initiates the Create Supplier Request for the person and uploads all required documentation.

When the department receives emailed notice from Workday that the Supplier has been created, they log on to Workday, use the Create Supplier Invoice request process. The process requires that an Invoice number may be submitted--it's recommended that you adopt a simple system for Invoice numbers, e.g. FAV_Lewis_1 (noting the first FAV invoice for a guest named Lewis).
