Graduate Student authored Wintersession Courses

FIRST: By 10:00 am on February 9, every grad who wants to propose a course has to be approved in advance by their GPD via a form that only GPDs are shared into. The Registrar's Office will give these students access to a special course proposal form in Coursedog. The form will go through the following approval workflow: Proposal Advisor, Department Head, Dean, Wintersession Committee. Department and division staff will be notified if proposals are approved.

SECOND: By MARCH 19 (no later than 6 pm), these approved-to-apply students complete the course proposal form in Coursedog and upload their syllabus (using the required syllabus template below), resume and the Resource Request form below.

THIRD: All syllabi will be reviewed by the Proposal Advisor and grads will receive feedback prior to the proposal continuing to the Department Head.

FOURTH: By APRIL 1, the proposal completes the standard course approval process in Coursedog (DH→Dean→WSC) 

FIFTH: By APRIL 22, the WSC will send all applicants a response about the status of their proposal (GPD, DH, Department staff, Divisions, and Grad Studies are copied).

There are 3 possible responses:

After this, no more revisions or submissions will be accepted.

GRAD WS25 Syllabus Template.docx
Wintersession Grad Taught Courses Resource Request Form 1 31 24.pdf